Sharing Spaces: How to Handle the Challenges of Living and Working in a Shared Cabin

Working and living in a shared cabin on a cruise ship can be an engaging and gratifying experience, but it also has its share of challenges. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a new crew member, it's imperative to know how to handle these challenges in order to maintain a comfortable and quiet living environment. In this blog post, we'll examine some of the most common challenges involved with residing and working in a shared cabin and provide suggestions and solutions for overcoming them.

Challenge #1: Lack of Privacy

Lack of privacy is just one of the challenges of living in a communal cabin. When you share a home with one or more people, it can be difficult to find a space where you can relax and unwind. To help with this challenge, think about setting aside specified periods each day when you can have some alone time. It can be sufficient to take a stroll or locate a quiet location on the ship to read or meditate.

Challenge #2: Noise and Distractions

Dealing with distractions and noise in a shared cabin presents another difficulty. It can be challenging to focus on work or get a good night's sleep when your cabin mate snores if there are other noises in the hallway. Consider purchasing a nice set of noise-canceling headphones or earplugs to solve this problem. You might also discuss establishing some ground rules for acceptable noise levels at particular times of the day with your cabin mate.

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Challenge #3: Different Personalities and Habits

Living with someone who has a different personality and habits can be a challenge, especially when you're sharing a small space. To address this challenge, it's important to establish clear communication and boundaries from the outset. This could include discussing each other's expectations around cleanliness, noise levels, and privacy. It's also important to be open and willing to compromise and to remember that everyone has different ways of doing things.

Challenge #4: Limited Storage Space

Living in a shared cabin also entails having little room for storage. Consider investing in some space-saving storage options, like hanging organizers or under-the-bed storage bins, to remedy this issue. To make sure that the area remains tidy and ordered, you may also discuss establishing some ground rules with your cabin mate.

Challenge #5: Homesickness and Isolation

It can be lonely to live and work in a communal cabin, especially if you are gone from home for a long time. Finding means of communication with family and friends back home is crucial to overcoming this problem. This could involve writing letters or setting up regular video conversations. Additionally, it's critical to establish bonds with your cabin mates and the staff as well as to take advantage of any possibilities for socializing and sightseeing.


On a cruise ship, living and working in a shared cabin can be challenging but rewarding. By addressing the problems of privacy, noise and distractions, different personalities and habits, limited storage space, homesickness and isolation, and various personalities and habits, you can create a warm and quiet living place. Remember to be open and honest with your cabin mate and to be flexible and willing to make compromises. By adopting the right mindset and skills, you can make the most of your time living among others and benefit from everything that comes with working on a cruise ship.

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Jordan Martin

Director, Cinematographer, & Editor

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