How to Pay for Things on Land While on a Cruise Ship: A Comprehensive Guide

Going on a cruise is an exciting adventure that provides an opportunity to explore new destinations and experience different cultures. However, one of the most common challenges that cruise ship passengers face is figuring out how to pay for things on land while away from the ship. In this blog post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to pay for things on land while on a cruise ship, including tips and tricks to help you manage your finances effectively.

Use Local Currency:

  1. When traveling to a new country, it's always a good idea to have some of the local currency on hand. This can be obtained through currency exchange services offered onboard the cruise ship or at local banks or ATMs on land. Using local currency can help you avoid currency conversion fees and ensure that you're getting the best exchange rate.

Bring Cash:

  1. Bringing cash is always a good idea, especially when traveling to areas where credit cards are not accepted. However, it's important to keep in mind that carrying large amounts of cash can be risky. To avoid losing or misplacing your cash, consider using a money belt or keeping your money in a secure place.

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Use Credit Cards:

  1. Credit cards are widely accepted around the world and can be a convenient way to pay for things on land while on a cruise ship. However, it's important to check with your credit card company beforehand to ensure that your card is accepted in the countries you will be visiting. Additionally, be aware of foreign transaction fees that may be charged for using your credit card overseas.

Purchase Local Sim Cards:

  1. If you plan on using your phone while on land, consider purchasing a local sim card. This will allow you to make local calls and use data services without incurring high roaming charges from your home carrier.

Use Mobile Payment Apps:

  1. Mobile payment apps such as Apple Pay and Google Wallet are becoming increasingly popular around the world. These apps allow you to make purchases using your smartphone, eliminating the need for cash or credit cards.


Paying for things on land while on a cruise ship doesn't have to be a daunting task. By using local currency, bringing cash, using credit cards, purchasing local sim cards, and using mobile payment apps, you can easily manage your finances and make the most of your time on land. Remember to plan ahead, stay aware of your surroundings, and keep your personal belongings secure to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

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Jordan Martin

Director, Cinematographer, & Editor

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