Adjusting to Life Ashore: Tips for Cruise Ship Crew Members

Being part of a cruise ship crew can be an adventure like no other, but it's not without its share of hurdles, particularly when it comes to readjusting to life on land. Crew members who have spent months at sea might find it tough to adapt to land-based routines and lifestyles. This blog post offers some helpful suggestions to ensure a seamless transition, including decompression time, keeping in touch with friends and colleagues, reigniting your passions, setting up a routine, seeking support, and contemplating your future goals.

Decompression Time:

Following a lengthy stint on a cruise ship, it's crucial to set aside some downtime to unwind and adapt to life ashore. This may involve taking a vacation, spending quality time with loved ones, or just relaxing and recharging. Granting yourself some breathing space to acclimate to your new environment is crucial.

Stay Connected with Friends and Colleagues:

Maintaining contact with your shipboard friends and coworkers is vital for preserving a sense of camaraderie and belonging. Utilize social media, email, or video calls to keep in touch, and try to arrange in-person get-togethers or group activities when feasible.

Rekindle Hobbies and Interests:

Onboard work schedules might have forced you to put your passions and interests on the back burner. Once you're back on land, it's important to reconnect with the pursuits that bring you happiness and contentment. Whether it's reading, hiking, or volunteering, re-engaging with your interests will help you feel more grounded and connected to your new surroundings.

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Create a Routine:

Setting up a routine can help provide stability and structure after the unpredictable timetables of life at sea. A daily routine can assist you in organizing your time and adjusting to a new agenda. This could be as simple as waking up at a consistent hour, setting aside time for exercise, or dedicating time to your hobbies and interests.

Don't Hesitate to Seek Support:

It's important to prioritize self-care during this challenging transition and seek help if needed. Reaching out to friends, family, or mental health professionals for support is perfectly acceptable if you're having difficulty adjusting. Discussing your experiences can aid in processing your emotions and devising coping mechanisms to handle the changes.

Look Ahead to the Future:

After returning to life ashore, you might want to evaluate your long-term career aspirations and future plans. This could include exploring new job possibilities, pursuing additional education or training, or setting new personal objectives. Focusing on your goals will help you stay motivated and driven.


Though the shift from cruise ship life back to land-based living may be tough, proper planning and support can help you adapt and flourish in a new setting. By allowing yourself time to decompress, maintaining connections with friends and colleagues, rediscovering your hobbies and interests, implementing a routine, seeking support, and contemplating the future, you can successfully navigate the transition and create a rewarding life on land.

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Jordan Martin

Director, Cinematographer, & Editor

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